Sunday, August 14, 2016

Memory Lanes, The Good Old Sinful Days

Righteously Dividing The Enemy                                                   

     -Like watching Noah's Earth, Flood, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7," like the days of Noah, Mat. 24, And there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, in my prayer closet, 1993 AD, (my people are being stripped of everything Jesus Christ), GOH, Apb

Breakage, The Rainbow Covenant                                    

Prophecy Links

     Seen to be seeing a pale horse judgement, followed by an Islamic reign, 12/24/2001-2017
     "Do they know, (our grandchildren), do your children know, that although they grew up in free territory, that although you, their parents grew up in free territory, that their children will grow up in occupied territory, in an occupied America?" Holy Spirit 2011

Memory Lanes, The Good Old Sinful Days,                                  

      A Poster said, I grew up in Memphis TN. during a time when everyone treated each other like Family. We went outside to play, we got dirty and we didn't eat fast food....we ate sandwiches, candy, pickles, etc. We played Simon Says, Mother May I, Red Light, Green Light, Hide and Go Seek, Jacks, Marbles, Tag, Touch football, Hopscotch, Double Dutch and Checkers, and raced against each other in the street. There was no bottled water, we drank from the water hose. We watched cartoons on Saturday mornings, walked to the corner store and rode our bikes for hours without a cellphone. We weren't AFRAID OF ANYTHING not even The Police. If someone had a fight, that's what it was...a fist fight. Kids didn't have guns when I grew up. The street lights were your curfew. School was mandatory. We watched our mouths around our elders because we knew If you DISRESPECTED any grown up you're gonna get HIT with whatever's close...We need to get back to this for our kids.

Re-post if you're proud that you came from a close knit community and will never forget where you came from!

Apostle's Note, 1986-2016

     -You see this is what Holy Spirits were warning, my prayer closet, 1987, as far as what our children were losing the more we, parents, and yes He made us, parents, the home, churches, the primary culprits of this unforeseen wickedness. Herein I quote Them, how it would be like 'Parents,' putting a gun to their heads and pulling the trigger, to be exact. That's as long we allow modern technology into the home these violent, deadly, vulgar and lest I forget promiscuous forms of supposedly entertainment, (ie. wicked devices). Foolish, it's pretty much what we as righteous parents are so careful about, as not to offend anyone. Especially our children, instead, getting them to Jesus, yet we allow these evils to come into the home, this widely open, non suspicious vent of spreading it's venom, of pretending to be this innocent, again wildly popular, mostly damning entertainment.
     My sister Juanita, Ne Ne, wrote this, the walk along memory land, and this is exactly how we grew up, a small sub division in Raleigh/Frayser, Carver Height. Though we had the simple life, it wasn't all good, we had our fights, this bad mouth, anger, violence, even among ourselves. Even one of my brothers got so angry he took scissors and cut my beautiful hair, a cousin/brother, nightly tried to rape, me, the store owner, a pillar of the community, church deacon, too. That by the time I was eighteen and regardless of getting the heck knocked out of us, and we did, I had a one year old son, Cornellius and we were laying one of our three loving brothers in the grave, O how I miss, you, Big June.
     No, we weren't perfect, nor were our parents and overseers, we couldn't be, you must be born (reborn, Jesus), that way, perfect and that's impossible for any human being. The only thing, quite miraculous that made Jesus the exception, how even from the woman's womb He was totally Holy Spirit and totally human being, He is God, manifested in Holy Blood and condemn flesh.  This is what the Angel Gabriel was explaining to a teen age Mary, how she would conceive of the Holy Spirit, and bring forth the world's Savior; meaning, that virgin she'd been reading about, even it's hundreds of years of prophecy, she was it. It was her, she was reading about her own life, womb, hundreds of years prior.
     I call this post, memory lane, so we can't go back there, don't want to, don't want to carry my children or my grands back there, couldn't even if I tried. Do we even realize what Christ's Cross suffered, that we be right where we are at this very moment, even reading this post? Then, like my nine year old grand, Miya, taught doing bible study last week, even if people won't accept Him, Jesus, Jesus unconditionally, still died for them, see Rom. 5:8. So especially now, especially when the living word cries, we're to forget the past and press toward the mark, of the prize, of the high calling of God, which is Christ Jesus the lord, ...which is Christ Jesus the Lord!
     "Woe to the Inhabitants of the Earth and of the Sea For the Devil is Come Down Unto You, Having Great Wrath Because He Knoweth that he Hath But a Short Time!" see Rev. 12:12
     You see, please see, comprehend, this is additionally what Holy Spirits were forewarning 2011, when He described how my, you, our children grew up in free territory, how we, you and I, their parents did. Though our grand children, how that would be something different, something dark, more sinister, as Satan, demons and the rebellious all the more reign on human soil. Something even more cataclysmic is stirring around prophetic steaming pots, plots, one setting the country, it's deadly devices back for hundreds of years. As so, this forewarning, how your children and our grand children would all grow up in occupied territory, in a right this very second occupied America, reaping incalculable blood guiltiness and whoredom, for so long, sown, see more here,
     So this is where, how we've lost the children, from the beginning, even while in and from the womb, this cursed, genealogy, namely Adam. Apparently, this is not about the old, golden days of our childhood, but the old, failed, damned ways of our blood ancestry, all crept into the church, into the home, into the education centers, by all manner of corrupt entertainment. Now cleverly, social media, this monstrous blood plague, even the heart, they, you, your children sleep with twenty four seven, though no where to be found, is this blood redeemer, cleaner, Jesus. What's crystal clear is, we have achieved the American Dream, it treasures so temporal, damning, only in the process, we've lost Him, you've lost, Him, Jesus, Jesus is the way, truth and the life, especially for our children, no man, church, home, government, celebrity no Pope or President.
     There is none, who can come unto the Father God except by this Single Name given under heaven, whereby condemned mankind can be saved, Jesus. I mean, unless you have the heart of Jesus in your once hollow chest, that's pounding you daily into God's form of righteousness. That's pounding you and those all around you daily into a new man, a Holy, consecrated Temple of God. Sincerely, stop being deceived, stop deceiving yourselves, stop deceiving others, this double curse. He, Elohim, God, Jehovah, He can't hear you anyway. He only listens to the Heart of Jesus, and the farther you are away from Him, Jesus, now this apostate mass assembly. That abominable actually separating you from Him, Jesus, well, lets just say, here, kneel, yes, right where you are, to get to Him, God, you must be born again, see Jesus. Awake, be as aware as God, Himself, Apb, The RAM, also see,

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