Tuesday, March 29, 2016

What Shall It Profit?

Righteously Dividing The Enemy

Satan Taking The Glory

     Let us pray for his family, and this house owner whose deception began the moment she decided to own and thus purchase a gun, guns, bullets and people pulling the anxious trigger hurt, maim and kill other people. Though, regardless, her heart despite what she say has to be pulled out about all of this, especially if she has children, grandchildren, the reason recently I researched on line about Americans escaping America with their children intact.  
      There is no way, except by the American Dream, gone Satanic you will ever justify this, ever! What has it profit her? She has protected her temporal stuff, (see Jesus' parable about the rich young ruler building better storehouses, Lk. 16, 22, 23), and left a young man not only dead, but possibly in hell for an eternity. Thou shalt not kill, this world is not your home, reaping whatever terrors, holocaust sown. Thus, whosoever root this horror on, you have not so loved, nor known Jesus Christ, stop your lying, be ye crucified heart, mind, soul unto eternity with God, Roms. 12:1, 2 Awake Apb The RAM,

"forgive us O God! Psalm 51:1  ...www.repentnow2011.blogspot.com

Monday, March 28, 2016

Bringing Wicked Devices To Past

Righteously Dividing The Enemy

     Je suis (I Am, We Are), Jesus Christ, after stating their names and where they were from, three Assyrian Christians wearing orange jumpsuits were shot in the back of the head as they knelt in the desert sand. The next scene of a video released by the self-proclaimed Islamic State (ISIS) on Oct. 7 shows three additional Assyrian brothers in Christ kneeling before the bodies lying in the bloody sand.

     As the masked ISIS fighters stand behind them with pistols in their right hands, the men share their names and the middle one, pointing at the bodies, declares “Our fate is the same as these if you do not take proper procedure for our release.” Before stating their name, each hostage said “I am Nasrani,” a derogatory Muslim term for Christians. Beware, indeed, blessed only are those dying in Christ, Apb, www.thefourthofthegodhead15.blogspot.com

The Sacrifice of the wicked are an abomination to God, Prob. 21:27

The Sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou will not despise, see Ps. 51,

Prophecy Link

-There’s something about Ezekiel the 4th chapter, like the second seal, coming is a great seizure by the enemy and a great scarcity of all things needful and treasured, still labor not for the meat that perisheth 03/25/2006 (for 390 days, see also the Intrepid Dream timetable, until 190 months, 2001-2017, America, the Free World is doomed).

-There’s something about Isaiah the 13th chapter, Holy Spirit, this reminder, how God, making Christ’s enemies His Footstool, thus is the destruction of Babylon, Satan’s city, then, now and straight through to destroying the antichrist, unto Hamongog, and the lake of fire, forever, thus this crying aloud, sparing not of Elohim’s Revelations, “Behold, Babylon is fallen,” beginning at all religious assembly, repent, 03/05/2016

-A Voice Declaring: "beautiful for situation," from psalm 48, wr. either by the Prophet Isaiah or King Hezekiah, the celebration of God sending One Angel who then destroyed 185,000 of the Assyrian army, coming against God's anointed, decimating them, see II Kings 19:35, Isa. 37:36    WHO IS THIS KING OF GLORY? 03/17/2016

A Most Visited Water Cooler, And She Bore Black Bowels

     I remember nearly thirty years this spring, my spouse and I finally made it to a church where we'd been invited. Immediately as soon as we made it through the door, the husband was snatched up and taken into the pulpit. Well, he was male, he was well dressed, he had a bible in his hand, did I mention he was male? All with the title of that Sunday's message being, and I quote "Don't Be Deceived," simply perfect, I assure you.

     Well, time came for visiting pastors, ministers to be announced, and when it came around to him, he stepped up to the podium and said a few things, then he turn, all attention toward me. I'm not the minister of the family, my wife, is, so I ask her to come and speak to all of you, happily I ran right into the pulpit, and just as well I began to speak.

     Hallelujah sweet Jesus, did I have something to tell them, I'd been really concern about my sons lately then six and 13 and the sudden change in their once holy spirits. I'd wondered into a my closet about it, was on my knees praying, when as usual the heavens open up saying and I quote Holy Spirits. "As long as you allow modern technology to come into the home (then via cablevision, via video games into the rise in vulgar rap music), it's going to be like putting a gun to your children head and pulling the trigger." Now remember, I'm standing in the pulpit, telling all those in attendance this, I always have, like this very moment, whatever Holy Spirits tell me.

     Thus when I'd finished, not denoting for a second I'd done anything wrong, not realizing how religion verses the Holy Spirit work. Well the pastor, with the message, "don't be deceived," came right up after me, by this time I'd return to my seat, quite pleased, being able to share this. Talking about a fly over, more than missing it's target, the first thing to come out of pastor's mouth and I quote him; "I don't know what denomination this young lady is from, his not knowing, like Jesus, I didn't get what I had from a denomination but by Christ, Holy Spirits arriving me God's Throne, even the Prophet Ezekiel.

     Although here, he said, we're apostolic and we don't allow women in the pulpit, in other words, what God hath cleansed, he, they were calling woman and thus unclean. Hence, every time I read an article like this, guns, murder and blood in the streets, this epidemic, is the prophecy Holy Spirit gave, being constantly fulfilled. That's adding as well, the one I received as recently as 2011, how my grandchildren, and yours would grow up in occupied territory, in an occupied America.

    Meaning as of this article, and others about the drug epidemic, in comes a police state, among other horrible things, this is why those who can, though short lived, the antichrist soon to appear. Surely as many as can afford it, they're taking their children and getting out of this long, lost, since Christ's Cross, safe-haven of a temporal nation, again I say, Awake, Apb, The, RAM, see more here, www.2016theissueofblackbowls.blogspot.com www.2016donottakethemake.blogspot.com www.2016thepalehorse92ad2001ad.blogspot.com

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Righteously Dividing The Enemy

     -Je suis (I Am, We Are), Jesus Christ, after stating their names and where they were from, three Assyrian Christians wearing orange jumpsuits were shot in the back of the head as they knelt in the desert sand. The next scene of a video released by the self-proclaimed Islamic State (ISIS) on Oct. 7 shows three additional Assyrian brothers in Christ kneeling before the bodies lying in the bloody sand.
     -As the masked ISIS fighters stand behind them with pistols in their right hands, the men share their names and the middle one, pointing at the bodies, declares “Our fate is the same as these if you do not take proper procedure for our release.” Before stating their name, each hostage said “I am Nasrani,” a derogatory Muslim term for Christians. Beware, indeed, blessed only are those dying in Christ, Apb, www.thefourthofthegodhead15.blogspot.com

The Sacrifice of the wicked are an abomination to God, Prob. 21:27

The Sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou will not despise, see Ps. 51,

Prophecy Links

     -Just the other night, physically demanding until Holy Spirits brought me back, though until then was I made a party to a divine manner of census taking, incredibly, the marking if you will of those soon to be snatched out of here, 01/29/2016, see Eze. 9th chapter

Killing Oneself With Kindness

     -This isn't just about all those out there foolishly, selfishly, SELFISHLY contemplating suicide, but death, arriving at the end of that rope, dandling by a thread some would say, get over it, you… was… born… there…DON”T BE DECEIVED! Jesus.  All mankind are shaped and mold of this curse in the mother’s womb of it, meaning. Certainly, illuminating America rooted in martyred blood, this so labored Free World as that never, ever being honest with you, it couldn’t be, it was a murderer from the beginning, which aboard not in the truth, Satanic,  …thou shalt not surely die… LIE!
     -You do know how much blood has been spilled, is being spilled, will be spilled to continue this falsified demonic to religious appetite that wicked adultery unto Idolatry hath for all rebellious mankind? If you want to kill yourself good, Jesus suffered blame, shame, persecution and execution none of which was His. That’s to help him with the killing of mankind’s heart brewed evil of getting his will and way, despite who gets kill. Regardless of who gets hurts, despite how for centuries it been nothing but manslaughter and vanity, truly see Cain slaying Abel, truly see this strait gate, path to Him, Jesus that very few travel. 
     -Now let’s be clear, if you want to kill yourself, Christ’ Cross is the only logical weapon, because Self and Satan are the two primary murderers of this world. Frightfully, stirred in of demons and inexorable insurgence; which has doomed millions of people, plenty of which are waking up screaming in hell every second of the day. Masses for which this Apostle labor to prevent, crying aloud, ceasing not there’s only one exemption interpreting this satanic plot. Unto this condemned heart redemption, it is that once again God given. …clearly let’s say that again, …it is that once God given,  and yet again, …it is that once God given. All for which He , Jesus Cry, if you want to kill your children, then bring them to Him, the only begotton of the dead, the only authentic free world, Jesus of Nazareth.

      …death where is thy sting, grave where is thy victory, blessed only are the dead, who die in Christ Jesus…

     -Thus,  if you want to kill your family whom you say you love, of course the killing of self must go first, I mean who died and made you judge? Evidently, the only authentic love on this planet, the only trustworthy kindness descending down from the Father of Lights and believing mankind finally getting it right. Stunningly, for which this blessed Savior cries, suffer the little children and bring them to me, come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.  Behold I, even I Jesus, stand at the door, at your cursive lives of religious whoredom and knock, if any man come after me let him first deny himself, (die, suicide by Christ’s Cross)  pick up His cross, (die), and follow me, (die), ye must be born again, (newly hearted, Christ’s Blood alone).
     -Jesus is challenging you, just as he did the religious leaders, to the duel of all humanity to eternality, like these leaders deceived into the highest treason spinning all mankind into vast millenniums, desolations and holocaust. That’s failing to do the one good thing that is to be done with Self/Satan unto these eternal deaths worship the one nailing it to our design of Him condemning Cross. All for which this living word hath simply said, he that hath the son hath, life, (Heaven), he that hath not the son hath not life, (Hell), blessed are those in the first resurrection upon which the second death (Hell), hath no power, now unto life, heir, now unto God’s Kingdom Coming, killing oneself with kindness (Christ’s Cross, die).  Awake, Apb, The RAM, www.yourchurchcondemnsix.blogspot.com www.180yourchurchcondemn15.blogspot.com www.crucified2015.blogspot.com www.thelightofctentri.blogspot.com    

Tuesday, March 1, 2016


The Prayers (Intercessory) Of The Righteous

 The Sacrifices Of The Wicked Are An Abomination To God Proverbs 21:17

 The Sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken and a contrite heart, O God, you will not despise, Psalm 51 www.straitisthegate14.blogspot.com

 Prophecy Links

       Seen to be seeing a vicious beast filled with mankind's swallow stomping and chomping it's way from the pulpit to the pews which seem vacant, the great falling, STAMPEDE away from apostate Christianity mightily on the map 2014

 Super Tuesday

     -Bible prophecy does have a sense of irony to it, even when it come to politics, even this count down to Obama's election, 2008.  Surely I’ve testified how before the Obama administration I had more dreams about the Antichrist Rise, than ever before.  Doing one of them was the rise of two mighty beast, one from land, one from sea, that then spurn everything into fierce debates concerning Hussein filing stations on American soil. That the presidential motor-cage, automobile went on to be called, nothing other than “the beast,” no coincidence believe me.
     -Evidently, now that Donald Trump, the emphasis here being on TRUMP, is looking to be the Republican Presidential nominee, this, just as Holy Spirits this time last year explained the Trump of God is readying to sound. Not only so, but did they as well show me the rise of the stone made without hands, meaning the Kingdoms, nations and politics of men becoming those of God and His Christ, that they're to reign over it all, like right now! I saw Him, Jesus reign over all national to international presidencies, now an entirety of rebellious mankind would be angry with Him.
     -Then there’s Clinton, I witness in a dream, while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State for him, her and him, Obama together, how they.  Well, what I saw was a funeral reef sitting the handle bars of a bike rider, this paper route, even the date 11/04, that tore and towered into the sky above representing them unto this too miraculous to describe, death toll. Now you’re to remember, doing President Clinton’s second administration, they fiddle and fuddled about politicking until what., 800,000 men, women and children were slaughtered in Darfur, Rwanda.
     -Now this recent migration and it seeming as worthless as to sweep under the rug less regarded than the falling from the table, crumbs, I know. Truly I know, the Lord God doesn’t see you all, like in the days of the prophets Jeremiah, Ezekiel, even Daniel, He’s ascended from the estates of His Own Proposed Mankind. Truly, why you think an appearing to me Angel Gabriel mention the Seventh Angel, the prophetic events surrounding it's performance regards the ultimate fall of world leaders of all kind, these potential to Towels of Babel Nimrods of their own kind.
     -All with Americans crying don’t bring them here, migrates, it was because of this same fear mongering regarding Islam 2003, I predicted a Hussein White House would Rule over them. This is good advice though, I hope all migrates listen, for the wrath of God is going to extinguish America from off the map, planet, well actually westernized civilization. Meaning just as before her, nothing will be left of her, I know I keep saying it, like Ezekiel on the repeat, but for thirty years they’ve been showing and telling me this, why I call her a slow motion exodus. Thus migrates coming here, as desperate as they are is like jumping out of the pot into the frying pan, that’s plain enough right?
     -It was in the early nineties Elohim was just as plain, and I quote Him, “I am going to destroy America,” and as I described before, I almost laughed at Him, thinking America too hard for Him. The same God who destroyed Noah’s earth, Sodom and Gomorrah, Nimrod’s Tower, and every great nation that followed, unto the dispensation allowing what we’ve come to describe as the Free-world so proud, 2001-2017. Truly not realizing, without Hitler’s dead ten million, all the dead by wars and holocaust before them, all the dead and dying at present, even the migrates lamentations, no way could any of it ever existed, why Jesus said no to it, now this innumerable blood guiltiness crying toward Him and God's Wrath ending it.
     -World leaders for centuries of stealing killing and destroying have given God nothing but blood in return for His Grace, It’s Sacrificial Cross. So like Egypt, rivers of blood is what they’re reaping, a 175 miles lake of it, their now proposed Jihad, running right through what they once called indescribable innovations. Unmistakably, it is a holocaust, it has always been a holocaust, and until a returning Jesus, Bride and the Armies of Heaven with them, sat His Feet upon the mount of Olivet. Prophetically, said arriving so cataclysmic it’s to deliver Israel like in the days of Moses right out of the hands of her enemies, being, becoming and abiding in holocaust is mankind's overall religious to political strong delusion, thus curse.         
     -I guess now you know another thing, how it’s so true, the Righteous God He is has for the purpose of biblical prophecy fulfilling allowed various holocaust dating back to Cain slaying Abel, with nothing but more bloodshed and holocaust to come out of it. This is what Jesus actually meant, when he dared the Religious Leaders to kill, that’s crucify Him, that in three days. His knowing eventually this horrific death and dying of men would end with Him, as the last enemy of His, of mankind to be destroyed by Christ’s Cross, would be death, He, Christ, being the first begotten of it.    

    -This is why the first of last year I also saw, that when I saw the stone made without hands reign, it was explained, even described as the Antichrist murderer, meaning for a thousand years doing Christ Reign death and dying would be laid aside, then the great white throne judgment, where death has no safe heaven, where even the Prince of this world shall be judged, Awake, Apb, The RAM, www.wtpotc2016.blogspot.com